Trainings for methodologists and T&D teams
by the educational bureau «Rozetka»
Workshops, masterminds, and practicums are short transformative formats for employee development
We complete
Our methodologists are always up-to-date with their expertise. We are aware of the latest trends in corporate and academic training, develop our in-depth knowledge of the subject, and regularly solve a variety of project cases.
Rozetka carries out numerous educational projects every year and provides support to an active group of specialists.
projects annually and we have a lot to share.
more than 30
What do we do?
  • As the team evolves within the company, you gain strong internal experts familiar with different approaches and practices

  • The employer brand becomes stronger as employee loyalty increases

  • Due to a strong T&L team, the trend towards internal development spreads to other departments, and the HR team is no longer burdened with it
We train the methodological team, bring new expertise, develop the in-depth knowledge and reveal the strengths of your employees
The workshop’s main objective is to establish a learning and inspiring environment that allows participants to expand their knowledge, develop creativity, and apply new approaches to solving problems
Format: online/offline
Duration: 3 hours
"How to evaluate the effectiveness of training?"
An introductory workshop designed for people who are starting to explore product analytics and want to quickly comprehend the fundamental terms and approaches
We discuss what makes training effective and how to evaluate it. Get familiar with the main metrics: learning analytics (cognitive load, involvement, and others), product metrics, business indicators, and measurement of educational results.
"How to work with internal and external experts?"
For methodologists, producers, and educational project managers
We focus our attention on the most important details. What to pay attention to, how to brief and support experts during the project, what information about the company, project or target is important to convey for cooperation to be effective. In short, how to take everything into consideration, cushion an impact, and build effective communication with an expert.
"Ways to enhance employee motivation during training"
For business coaches and T&L specialists
We examine specific motivational techniques and tools. Learn about how and when to apply them, and which motivation model to select for your task. Analyze a few specific examples and discuss your particular cases.
"How to create engaging learning?"
For methodologists, producers, and trainers
We take a look at what makes learning enjoyable and how it impacts educational outcomes. Examine some examples and technics that can be applied: storytelling, gamification, authentic tasks, and creative formats.
"Creativity development through the History of Art"
For producers, methodologists, content creators, and experts
We discuss provocation in art and how it can be used in education. The workshop is created at the intersection of art criticism and a methodological approach, and focuses on having an active dialogue with the participants.
Psychological training
We look at how to adjust the fragile balance in your life and to get out of this vicious circle. We provide effective technics and tips on how to balance so that all areas of life would bring you joy 24/7.
"How to overcome impostor syndrome?"
Psychological training
For those who have doubts about their competence, feel insecure, or feel like they are misleading others and are not competent specialists at all. We try to comprehend this phenomenon and assist you in discovering the inner strength to start taking actions.
"How to evaluate the effectiveness of training?"
An introductory workshop designed for people who are starting to explore product analytics and want to quickly comprehend the fundamental terms and approaches
We discuss what makes training effective and how to evaluate it. Get familiar with the main metrics: learning analytics (cognitive load, involvement, and others), product metrics, business indicators, and measurement of educational results.
"How to work with internal and external experts?"
For methodologists, producers, and educational project managers
We focus our attention on the most important details. What to pay attention to, how to brief and support experts during the project, what information about the company, project or target is important to convey for cooperation to be effective. In short, how to take everything into consideration, cushion an impact, and build effective communication with an expert.
"Ways to enhance employee motivation during training"
For business coaches and T&L specialists
We examine specific motivational techniques and tools. Learn about how and when to apply them, and which motivation model to select for your task. Analyze a few specific examples and discuss your particular cases.
"How to create engaging learning?"
For methodologists, producers, and trainers
We take a look at what makes learning enjoyable and how it impacts educational outcomes. Examine some examples and technics that can be applied: storytelling, gamification, authentic tasks, and creative formats.
"Creativity development through the History of Art"
For producers, methodologists, content creators, and experts
We discuss provocation in art and how it can be used in education. The workshop is created at the intersection of art criticism and a methodological approach, and focuses on having an active dialogue with the participants.
Psychological training
We look at how to adjust the fragile balance in your life and to get out of this vicious circle. We provide effective technics and tips on how to balance so that all areas of life would bring you joy 24/7.
"How to overcome impostor syndrome?"
Психологический тренинг
Для всех, кто сомневается в своей компетентности, испытывает чувство неуверенности или ощущение, будто обманывает окружающих и на самом деле не является хорошим специалистом. Разберемся с этим феноменом и поможем найти внутреннюю силу действовать.
Masteminds —
Mastermind groups are very effective for sharing experiences; they help establish communication and build a community of training experts within the company.
Format: online/offline
Duration: 2—3 hours
The meetings are attended by between 3 and 5 participants who bring their questions to the group discussion
Participants take turns presenting their cases, while the rest of the group share their recommendations and experiences with similar tasks
Any event can be customized for your audience by selecting examples from your field and adjusting the scenario to fit the number of participants. After the event, we will provide you with all the materials and presentations
The discussion results are used to summarize the decisions and determine next steps
is a group format of work: participants exchange ideas and cases, help each other solve problems and complete their current tasks.
The presentation goes into greater detail on the features of the format, cases, as well as the stages of work and their cost
Our Clients
business batteries
To discuss your project and recharge your energy from the «Rozetka»,
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To discuss your project and recharge your energy from the «Rozetka»,
write to us or leave your contact - we will contact you
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Registration card of the organization
«Rozetka Edu»
Full name of the organization
Limited Liability Partnership
«Rozetka Edu»
Head appointed (elected)
authorized body of a legal entity
Baraeva Valeriia (Sergeevna)
050060, Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Zharokov street, house 290, apt. 61
+7 778 634 59 03
85599. Other activities in the field of education
Bank details
Bank: АО «Kaspi Bank»
Beneficiary code: 17
Account number : KZ16722S000024397188

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