Public Offer Agreement

Rozetka Edu LLP, on the one hand, and the person who accepted the offer posted on the Internet at rozetka. team, on the other hand, entered into this Purchase Agreement (service agreement) on the terms described below. The text of the Purchase Agreement (service agreement) contains all the essential terms and is an offer by Rozetka Edu LLP to conclude an Agreement with the User on the terms specified in the text of the Agreement. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the text of the Agreement is a public offer. Acceptance of this offer is considered to be the implementation by any third party of the following actions of entering registration data in the registration form and confirming the accuracy of this data by clicking the "Register" button, "Create an event" or an analogue indicated in the Site interface. From the moment you click the "Register", "Continue" or similar button, the Agreement is considered concluded.

1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. Unless otherwise indicated herein, the following terms will have the meanings indicated below in this Purchase Agreement:

The "Order" - is a Buyer’s request to participate in the Event duly executed through the Site, indicating the Buyer’s intention to enter into a transaction with the Organizer on the Site, establishing the Organizer’s obligation to hold the Event and the right of the Buyer and (or) third parties to attend the Event on the date, time and place specified in the Electronic Ticket.

The "Organizer" - Rozetka Edu LLP.

The "Buyer" - is an individual who makes or wishes to make a purchase of an Electronic Ticket or Content from the Organizer and who accepted the offer posted on the Internet at

The "Event" - is a service provided by the Organizer to the Buyer, information about which is posted by the Organizer on the Site, for the purpose including, but not limited to, collecting information about Users interested in receiving the relevant service.

The "Site" - is a set of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos and videos and other results of intellectual activity, as well as computer programs contained in an information system that ensures the availability of such information on the Internet at the network address The Site is an Internet resource intended for publishing and receiving information about various Events held by the Organizer, as well as for selling Electronic tickets for Events, as well as providing other Functionality defined by on-screen interface elements and widgets within the Site.

The "Agreement" - is this Purchase Agreement, as well as all appendices thereto.

The "Electronic ticket" - is a record in the Site’s accounting system, which is used as confirmation of the completion of the Order and the right of the Buyer or a third party to access the Event. Realization (sale) of Electronic tickets means making transactions. In this case, the Buyer may purchase more than one Electronic Ticket within one Order. When selling an Electronic Ticket for the Event, it is provided to the Buyer in the form of an electronic document containing all the essential terms of the Order. Transferring the Electronic Ticket to another person is prohibited.

The "Functionality" - the main functionality of the Site, available after concluding the Agreement and allowing the Organizer to post information about Events, as well as perform other actions provided by the software capabilities of the corresponding functionality of the Site, and the Buyer to search for Events and place Orders (hereinafter referred to as the "Main Functionality").

1.2. All other terms and definitions found in the text of the Agreement are interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.3. The names of the headings (articles) of the Agreement are intended solely for the convenience of using the text of the Agreement and have no literal legal meaning.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1.In the manner and under the terms of the Agreement, the Organizer provides the Buyer with the opportunity to use the Site, and the Buyer undertakes, if necessary, to use the Site in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. The Organizer also provides the Buyer with the opportunity to participate in the Events in accordance with the conditions specified on the Site. The Buyer’s participation in the Event is confirmed by purchasing an Electronic Ticket or registering for the Event.

2.2. On the basis of the Agreement, the Buyer has the opportunity to use the Site, in particular by obtaining the opportunity to participate in the Events, by placing the Order, by carrying out the actions envisaged by the Organizer (in particular, by registering and, if necessary, paying the appropriate fee) and receiving an Electronic Ticket from the Organizer or notification of the opportunity of participating in the Event, as well as using the Site in other ways, provided by the functionality of the Site and offered in the on-screen interface of the Site.

2.3. In case the Buyer purchases the Electronic Ticket by transfer of funds of the Company, the Organizer undertakes to issue the Electronic Ticket to the Buyer by sending it to the email address indicated by the Buyer when registering on the Site.

3. Rights and obligations of the Organizer

3.1. The Organizer has the right to block access to the Site for the User if by his actions or omissions he violates the terms of the Agreement, other agreements between the Parties or other requirements of the Organizer.

3.2. The Organizer has the right to refuse the Order to the Buyer without explanation.

3.3. The Organizer has the right to modify any software of the Site, to suspend the work of the Site, in case of detection of significant faults, errors and failures, as well as in order to carry out maintenance works and prevent cases of unauthorized access to the Site.

3.4. The Organizer has the right to use the data of the Buyer or other persons, information about which is entered by the User on the Site, for marketing purposes. The Buyer guarantees that the data entered by the Buyer on the Site is voluntarily provided by him and third parties, and third parties are familiar with the terms of the Agreement.

3.5. The Organizer has the right to use the reviews left by the Buyer about the Organizer, his work, the quality of services rendered, the events in which the Buyer participated and their equivalents in any way, including, but not limited to, posting them on the Site and on other resources on the Internet, etc. The Buyer gives his consent to the indication of his last name and first name with such use of reviews.

3.6. The Organizer has the right to send to the Buyer and other persons, the information about whom the Buyer has entered on the Site, information and advertising messages (subject to separate consent), both by email and mobile phone number, information about which is available on the Site.

3.7. The Organizer has the right to advise the Buyer in the course of registration/ confirmation/ payment of the Order. Including independently contacting the Buyer at the phone number or email specified by the Buyer.

3.8. The Organizer has the right to independently choose and, at his discretion, to establish methods of identification of the Buyer on all its resources, including the Site, servers and others.

3.9. The Organizer is obliged to inform the Buyer about the status of the Order and the fact of receipt of payment for the Order. The fact that the Buyer is informed is the fact of sending an email to the email address indicated by the Buyer when filling out the relevant form on the Site containing supporting information.

3.10. The Organizer undertakes to independently and in a proper manner fulfill his obligations to the Buyers on the Order, including considering requests and carrying out refunds of money to the Buyers.

3.11. The Organizer undertakes to use personal data of third parties obtained through the use of the Functionality in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" as amended in force at the time of processing or other use of personal data by the Organizer.

3.12. In case of changes in the conditions of the Event, notify the Buyer at least 3 (three) days before such changes take effect. Notification is carried out by posting the relevant information on the Site, as well as by sending a message to the email address indicated by the Buyer when filling out the registration form on the Site for participation in the Event.

3.13. If the number of participants of the Event at the date of the beginning of the Event is insufficient to start the provision of Services, reschedule the start date of the Event to a later date or cancel the Event, notifying the Buyer. In case the Buyer has paid for the Event or other service, but has subsequently decided to refuse participation or any other paid service, he is obliged to notify the Organizer about this by sending him an appropriate notification via means of feedback, at

Without exception, all refunds to the Buyer are transferred minus the commissions of the payment systems through which the participant paid for the services, as well as minus the actual expenses that the Organizer incurred to provide access to the Event and/or additional services, and in case the participant has started to participate in an Event or other consumption of another service, but has subsequently decided to discontinue the Organizer’s services, then the Organizer, in addition to the payment system commission and actual expenses, withholds the cost of services actually rendered as of the date of refusal. The Organizer returns funds to the Buyer in the same way that the Buyer paid for the Electronic Tickets.

4. Rights and obligations of the Buyer

4.1. The Buyer agrees to familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement before using the Site each time he visits the Site.

4.3. The Buyer agrees to provide accurate and, if necessary, complete information when using the Site.

4.4. The Buyer agrees to check all the details of the Order before placing it. The Buyer bears full responsibility for the accuracy and legality of the data used by him when placing the Order.

4.5. The Buyer agrees to familiarize himself with the content, registration conditions and procedure for holding the Event before placing an Order, as well as additional requirements imposed by the Organizer. If the Buyer is not completely clear about any conditions of the Event, including the payment procedure, the Buyer undertakes to clarify these conditions, and if it is not possible to clarify, refuse to place an Order and attend the Event.

4.6. The Buyer has the right to choose from the methods offered on the Site the way of payment for participation in the Event. In this case, the Buyer undertakes to independently familiarize himself with the rules for using the payment method he has chosen.

4.7. The Buyer has the right to submit a request for a refund of funds paid for Electronic tickets purchased by him within the framework of one Order, in case of cancellation or postponement of the Event. In this case, the Buyer must submit a request for a refund of the funds paid by the Buyer for the Electronic Tickets purchased by him within the framework of one Order. In all cases, refunds can only be made for all Electronic Tickets in the Order.

4.8. The Buyer agrees to pay in full the price of the Order, independently or through third parties. After payment of the Order, the Electronic Ticket is considered sold, and the Buyer has the right to attend the Event.

5. Procedure for placing an Order and receiving an Electronic Ticket

5.1. Buyer wishing to visit the Event, studies information about the Event or Service on the corresponding page of the Site.

5.2. To place an Order, the Buyer must complete the following actions:

5.2.1. select an Event on the Site;

5.2.2. provide the information required on the Events page (the information provided must be valid and provided to the required extent);

5.2.3. confirm the correctness of the information entered and the desire to place an order by clicking the "Continue" or "Register" buttons on the corresponding page of the Site.

5.3. The Organizer confirms the acceptance and execution of the Order by sending a corresponding message to the email address of the Buyer indicated when placing the Order.

5.4. If participation in the Event is free of charge for the Buyer, and the Organizer has not established additional requirements for participation in the Event, together with confirmation of the Order, the Organizer sends the Buyer a message with the notification about the possibility of participation in the Event.

5.5. If in order to participate in the Event the Buyer must pay for the Order, after the Order confirmation the Site redirects the Buyer to the Order Payment page. To pay for the Order, the Buyer selects the appropriate payment method indicated on the Site page and makes payment in accordance with the payment rules of the payment method selected by the Buyer. After paying for the Order, the Organizer sends the Buyer a message with a notice of receipt of payment and forms an Electronic ticket.

5.6. The moment of payment for the Order is the moment of receipt of funds to the account of the Organizer. From the moment of payment for the Order, obligations stipulated by the Event Conditions arise between the Organizer and the Buyer. From the same moment, the Organizer has an obligation to issue an Electronic Ticket to the Buyer.

5.7. In case of payment for the Buyer by third parties, all rights and obligations in respect of this payment arise from the Buyer, and such actions of third parties are assessed by the Parties as performed by the specified third parties in the interests of the Buyer and do not give rise to any rights and obligations between said third parties and the Organizer.

5.8. The Buyer participates in the Event in accordance with the rules established by the Organizer.

5.9. The Buyer is responsible for the safety and protection of the Electronic Ticket from copying. In case the Electronic Ticket is copied, access to the Event will be granted on the first ticket presented.

5.10. The Buyer must keep a copy of the notice confirming the completion of the payment transaction for the Order.

5.11. When paying, the Buyer agrees to use only a bank card of which he is the legal owner. In case the Buyer intentionally uses a bank card of another person, he is independently liable for the damage that was/may be caused to the holder of the said card as a result of the above actions of the Buyer, as well as to the Organizer in case of such damage, including reputational damage.

6. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

6.1. The Agreement and all legal relations arising from it are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All disputes arising are settled on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.2. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination or invalidation of the Agreement, the Parties will strive to resolve through negotiations. The Party with the claims and/or disagreements sends a message to the other Party indicating the claims and/or disagreements that have arisen.

7. Force majeure circumstances

7.1 The Parties are released from liability for partial or total non-performance of their obligations under this Agreement if such non-performance became impossible due to circumstances of force majeure, that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events beyond the control of the parties, including (but not limited to): the following circumstances: — Strikes, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, lightning strikes and other natural disasters; - Military actions (local and international);- Riot, rebellion against legitimate authority, civil unrest, organized armed resistance to the government, military coup, civil war, exercises to prevent terrorist acts, mass riots in crowded areas; - Diseases and (or) ailments of artists, speakers, lecturers and other persons participating in the organization and conduct of the Event, creation and provision of Content; - Technogenic and anthropogenic disasters; - Acts of State authorities and local self-government; - Speeches by government officials, announcements of mourning days, release of urgent messages or the occurence of other events; - The occurrence of a technical failure in public telecommunication and/or energy networks, the action of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties, expressed in actions, aimed at unauthorized access and/or disabling the software and/or hardware complex or the occurrence of another similar event.

7.2. The Party affected by the force majeure event must notify the other Party in writing, as soon as possible, providing evidence of the force majeure event issued by the competent government or administrative authority.

7.3. In case of force majeure, the period of performance by the Parties of their obligations under this Agreement is postponed commensurate with the time of force majeure

7.4. If circumstances of force majeure last more than two (2) months, each Party has the right to refuse further fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, subject to reimbursement to the other Party for actual expenses incurred.

8. Entry into force of the Agreement and changes in the terms of the Agreement

8.1. The Agreement may be terminated at any time at the initiative of each Party. To do this, the Organizer places a notice of termination of the Agreement on the Site and/or sends a corresponding notice to the Buyer; from the moment of such placement/dispatch of such notice, the Agreement is considered terminated. The Buyer may terminate the Agreement by sending a notice of termination of the Agreement to the Organizer via email at

8.2. The Parties agree that the Agreement may be amended unilaterally by the Organizer by posting the updated text of the Agreement on the Internet at The Buyer confirms his consent to the modification of the terms of the Agreement by using the Site. In case of disagreement with the amended version of the Agreement, the Buyer ceases to use the Site.

8.3. The Buyer who does not agree with the terms of the Agreement and/or with the modification of the terms of the Agreement must immediately terminate the Agreement in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

9. Final provisions

9.1. With the exception of cases expressly provided for by the Agreement and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, all notifications, messages and documents within the framework of the fulfillment by the Parties of obligations arising from the Agreement must be sent and are considered received by the parties if sent by email from the authorized address of one party to the authorized address of the other party. Authorized addresses are:

9.1.1. for the Organizer:;

9.1.2. for the Buyer: the email address provided when registering for the Event.

9.2. The Parties agree to ensure the confidentiality of information necessary to access authorized email addresses, and to prevent the disclosure of such information and transmission to third parties. The Parties determine independently the procedure for limiting access to such information. When using authorized email addresses, until the second party receives information about the breach of confidentiality, all actions and documents committed and sent using the authorized email address of the second party, even if such actions and documents were committed and sent by other persons, are considered committed and directed by the other party. In this case, the rights and obligations, as well as liability, are assumed by the other party.

9.3. Recognition by a court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.

9.4. In all other respects that are not regulated by the Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. Organizer details

Rozetka Edu LLP
Location address: Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, Zharokova street, building 290, apt. 61, postal code 50 060
BIN: 230 340 023 640
Phone: +7 967 174 11 02 /+7 778 634 59 03
IIС KZ16722S000024397188
JSC "Kaspi Bank"
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