A format that is efficient in improving skills and strengthening connections within the team. We’re here to organize the whole process and help you make it work for your business goals
by the educational bureau «Rozetka»
Bootcamp is a great way to boost skills and strengthen you team bonds
Bootcamp is a training program that is both intensive and practice-oriented.
"Boot camp" means a training camp for new recruits and was originally used to speak about military training.
The most common use of it in modern language is in reference to intensive courses.
Bootcamp Features
  • Duration: 2 to 4 weeks

  • Real company cases used for training

  • Teamwork on cases integrated with theoretical classes to immediately apply new knowledge to practice

  • Both offline and online formats are possible
Synchronous format that allows for quick feedback, ensures a charged work environment, and promotes participant engagement
Business Tasks a Bootcamp Can Be Used for
The intensive format allows new employees to quickly learn about the priorities, values and current tasks of the business. It also helps them adjust and choose the team and direction for their future work.
How Rozetka Can Help
We have run more than 10 bootcamps and have gone through the process of organizing the event to the very last detail.
  • We examine the company’s context and come up with educational results

  • Adapt the concept to your request

  • Gather and organize cases and related materials

  • Collaborate with experts to create scenarios for practical lectures

  • Before the start, we divide the participants into teams, brief experts and mentors, and prepare materials for the teams' work
Preparation. 4 weeks
  • We run a bootcamp as presenters

  • Provide technical support

  • Enhance communication between participants, experts, and organizers
Event. 2 weeks
  • We collect feedback from all participants and calculate key metrics

  • Make an analytical report on the outcome of the event with recommendations for further work
Results Analysis. 2 weeks
We will provide you with all the intermediate and final results of the project: scripts, presentations, templates, methodological documents, workshop recordings, and tools for measuring the effectiveness of the program. You will be able to recreate the event yourself, scale it, and develop this format within the company.
We provide you with all results of the project
  • Select external experts for workshops and mentoring

  • Adjust the duration and dynamics of the program to meet your goals and limitations

  • Take part in a long-term evaluation of the program's effectiveness after 3-6 months. We can assist you in collecting and analyzing metrics to measure business outcomes: the boot camp's impact on employee performance indicators, training costs, hiring and onboarding new employees, etc.
Upon your request, we can additionally
Our Clients
business batteries
To discuss your project and recharge your energy from the «Rozetka»,
write to us or leave your contact - we will contact you
To discuss your project and recharge your energy from the «Rozetka»,
write to us or leave your contact - we will contact you
Discuss the project
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(to discuss your project)
Please fill out the form and we will send you our presentaton
Registration card of the organization
«Rozetka Edu»
Full name of the organization
Limited Liability Partnership
«Rozetka Edu»
Head appointed (elected)
authorized body of a legal entity
Baraeva Valeriia (Sergeevna)
050060, Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Zharokov street, house 290, apt. 61
+7 778 634 59 03
85599. Other activities in the field of education
Bank details
Bank: АО «Kaspi Bank»
Beneficiary code: 17
Account number : KZ16722S000024397188

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